The Bucklew Family Blog

Hi, we are the Bucklews. We are a simple family in Indiana that wants to stay in touch with our family across the United States. We'll post updates and pictures routinely for our family to enjoy. Thanks for stopping by

Monday, March 26, 2007

Wye Mountain

We went to Wye Mountain Friday. There is a local Methodist Church there that holds an annual "Daffodil Festival". It pretty much consist of a field of about 10-15 acres just loaded with every type of daffodil imaginable. During the weekends they have a concession stand up and sell goodies. From what I've read the proceeds from the sales goes toward the salary of the minister.....interesting!! Well, it is a high "to do".... I hear people come from all over the state to check it out.
The majority of the flowers were dying or dead by the time we went....we went probably a week too late....but it was our first chance to go due to schedules. We had a good time taking pictures of Andrew....we got a ton! As you can tell he is getting too big for his britches!! In most of the pictures he can barely keep his tummy tucked in his clothes.....time to go shopping again i guess. He is now over 17 pounds!!! What a cutie!!!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Get Along Little Doggy

As you may know I work every weekend, leaving Andrew home with Brian. Though I do miss hanging with "my guys", I do look forward to hearing all the stories of their adventures. Accompanying the stories, Brian often has pictures....which I of course just love. This weekend Brian broke out a good ole country album and jammed. I love this picture because you really can't tell if Andrew is having a good time or just tolerating his father's antics!!!
Andrew is now eating cereal once a day. He is actually doing well with it.....surprisingly he does manage to get the majority of it in his mouth!!! As far as sleeping at nights, it is getting better. Andrew usually gets up once around 5-6am for his first feeding. It is now 10am and he has yet to wake up for his second feed. The longer stretches of sleep has definately helped me.......I feel like less of a zombie everyday!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Great White Hunter

This is my new favorite picture of Andrew. I happened to be working the day this pic was taken....otherwise i would have probably objected to the "hunter"outfit...but now I think he looks darling! It is hard to believe he is already 4 and a half months! I guess time does fly when you're having fun!

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit this week. We all had a good time....thanks to them Brian and I had a much needed night out to ourselves (we just went to TCBY and then walked about Wal-Mart.....but had fun regardless).